Patching happens as usual. This document just explains some more complex aspects of the packaging. For details on how to get the build environment after checking out from Subversion, see README.svn. The following are notes by J.M. Roth (Mar 2010) The database ============ Upgrading --------- Upgrading is easy: modify the upstream database_update.php file (strip output-generating stuff, see patches) and put it into dbconfig-common/scripts/phpbb3/upgrade/... Installing ---------- A new install is the hard part. One has to distinguish between: - the schema, and - the schema data. For each version of phpBB, the schema file itself is at the newest state. Still, the install script would do things that are not in the schema (data). Even if one would simply import generic schema data and then ran the updater somehow, this does not work because dbconfig-common FIRST runs script and only then imports (custom) SQL data. Therefore, one has to generate a new dump of an UPGRADED database at each version (either manually via database_update.php or via the upgrade functionality already implemented in a new package). The debianization here only needs to occur initially, except for the dynamic stuff added in postinst. To that end: - run the installer of the first version from which an update is possible to the new version (this one performs the debianizations), - update the install using the new version to provide (this runs the update script), - extract the data using some tool like mysqldump or phpmyadmin, e.g. mysqldump --compatible=ansi --skip-opt --compact --complete-insert --no-create-info --skip-quote-names, so this data requires the least postprocessing necessary to import into all supported db types, and make sure that indexes/sequences are generated/updated on the fly during import, i.e. for postgres we use, - use this extracted data to produce the files for dbconfig-common/data/phpbb3/install/, - replace the he data that would usually contain '@DEB_...' and be dynamically replaced during postinst (e.g. captcha obfuscation), - save these files as database_update_debian.php and schema_data_debian.sql, respectively. Testing the package =================== When testing the package in a chroot (e.g. man schroot) the following cleanup script might come in handy when things get really broken #!/bin/sh -x #rm -rf /var/lib/phpbb3 /usr/share/phpbb3 /etc/phpbb3 /etc/dbconfig-common/phpbb* /usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/phpbb* /usr/share/dbconfig-common/scripts/phpbb* /var/lib/dpkg/info/phpbb* #for i in $(debconf-get-selections | grep ^phpbb | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1 | sort | uniq); do # echo purge | debconf-communicate $i # u=$(echo $i | cut -d_ -f2) # for j in $(rgrep $u /var/lib/ucf); do # ucf --purge $(echo j | awk '{print $2}') # done #done #for i in $(rgrep phpbb /var/lib/ucf | awk '{print $2}'); do # ucf --purge $i #done #aptitude -y purge phpbb3 This is not an issue when using pbuilder/pdebuild.