autoload -U colors && colors autoload -U compinit && compinit if ! source /usr/share/git/completion/ 2>/dev/null; then function __git_ps1() { } fi setopt NO_BG_NICE export EDITOR=vim bindkey -e # workaround to avoid usage of viins # history {{{ HISTSIZE=50000 HISTFILE=~/.history SAVEHIST=50000 # }}} # aliases {{{ alias ll='ls -l' alias ls='ls --color=auto' alias ltr='ls -tr' alias la='ls -a' alias l='ls -F' alias p='mplayer' alias h='htop' alias m='make' alias mb='make -B' alias v='vim' alias g='grep' alias a='alsamixer' alias b='exec $0' alias e='echo' alias mu='mplayer -novideo' alias grep='grep --color=auto' alias g='git' alias m='make' alias mb='make -B' alias vi='vim' alias k='kill' alias r='reset' alias pc='pacman' alias po='pidof' alias t='tig' # }}} # prompt {{{ function __set_prompt () { PS1="%{$user_color%}%n%" PS1+="{$fg_bold[blue]%}@" PS1+="%{$fg_bold[white]%}%M" PS1+="%{$reset_color%}:" PS1+="%{$fg_bold[blue]%}%~" PS1+="%{$reset_color%} " PS1+="%{$fg_bold[green]%}$(__git_ps1 "(%s) ")" PS1+="%{$reset_color%}%(!.#.$) " } if [ $UID -eq 0 ]; then user_color=$fg_bold[red] else user_color=$fg_bold[yellow] fi # this function is called each time the prompt appears. function precmd { __set_prompt } # }}} ulimit -c unlimited