From f6ac6289136b5c35e14304b554a37e26d88fdebc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adrien Friggeri Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 13:52:10 +0200 Subject: cleaning up and refactoring --- cv.tex | 350 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 119 insertions(+), 231 deletions(-) (limited to 'cv.tex') diff --git a/cv.tex b/cv.tex index 3f46bb9..1aef850 100644 --- a/cv.tex +++ b/cv.tex @@ -1,236 +1,124 @@ %!TEX TS-program = xelatex -%!TEX TS-options = --shell-escape - -\documentclass[]{article} -\usepackage[french]{babel} -\usepackage{fancyhdr} -\usepackage{titlesec} -\usepackage{titling} -\usepackage{color} -\usepackage{fontspec,xltxtra,xunicode} -\usepackage{tikz} -\usepackage[left=6.1cm,top=2cm,right=1.5cm,bottom=2.5cm,nohead,nofoot]{geometry} -\usepackage[absolute,overlay]{textpos} -%\usepackage[colorgrid,texcoord]{eso-pic} -\usepackage{parskip} -\usepackage{hyperref} - -\setlength{\TPHorizModule}{1cm} -\setlength{\TPVertModule}{1cm} - -\definecolor{darkgray}{RGB}{51,51,51} -\definecolor{gray}{RGB}{77,77,77} -\definecolor{lightgray}{RGB}{153,153,153} -\definecolor{white}{RGB}{255,255,255} -\definecolor{green}{RGB}{181,226,70} - -\newfontfamily\headingfont[]{Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold} -\titleformat*{\section}{\LARGE\headingfont\color{gray}} -\titleformat*{\subsection}{\Large\headingfont\color{gray}} -\titleformat*{\subsubsection}{\large\headingfont\color{gray}} - -\defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text} -\setromanfont[Mapping=tex-text, Color=5f5f5f]{Helvetica Neue Light} -\setsansfont[Scale=MatchLowercase,Mapping=tex-text]{Gill Sans} -\setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Andale Mono} - -\renewcommand{\bibliography}{ - \immediate\write18{/usr/local/bin/env coffee} - \input{biblio.tex} -} - -\thispagestyle{empty} -\pagestyle{empty} - -\newcommand{\sideheader}[1]{ - \vspace{\baselineskip}{\Large\headingfont\color{gray} #1} -} -\makeatletter -\renewcommand{\section}{ - \@startsection{section}{1}{0mm} - {\parskip} - {\lineskip} - {\LARGE\headingfont\color{gray}} -} -\makeatother -\makeatletter -\renewcommand{\subsection}{ - \@startsection{subsection}{1}{0mm} - {0mm} - {\parsep} - {\headingfont\large\color{gray}} -} -\makeatother - -\newcommand{\btitle}[1]{ - \par - {\fontsize{10pt}{18pt}\selectfont #1}\\ -} -\newcommand{\bauthors}[1]{ - {\fontsize{9pt}{18pt}\addfontfeatures{Color=lightgray}\selectfont #1}\\ -} -\newcommand{\bmore}[1]{ - \emph{\fontsize{8pt}{18pt}\addfontfeatures{Color=lightgray}\selectfont #1} -} - -\newcommand{\green}[1]{{\addfontfeatures{Color=green}#1}} -\newcommand{\orange}[1]{{\addfontfeatures{Color=fda333}#1}} -\newcommand{\purple}[1]{{\addfontfeatures{Color=d3a4f9}#1}} -\newcommand{\red}[1]{{\addfontfeatures{Color=fb4485}#1}} -\newcommand{\blue}[1]{{\addfontfeatures{Color=6ce0f1}#1}} -\newcommand{\gray}[1]{{\addfontfeatures{Color=lightgray}#1}} - -\newcommand{\row}[3]{#1&\parbox[t]{11.8cm}{{#2}\\#3\vspace{\parsep}}\\\noalign{\smallskip}} -\newcommand{\bold}[1]{{\headingfont\addfontfeatures{Color=gray}\normalsize{#1}}} -\newcommand{\light}[1]{{\fontspec{Helvetica Neue Light}\color{lightgray}\footnotesize{#1}}} - -\setlength{\tabcolsep}{0pt} +\documentclass[]{friggeri-cv} +\addbibresource{bibliography.bib} \begin{document} - \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] - \node [rectangle, fill=gray, anchor=north, minimum width=\paperwidth, minimum height=4cm] (box) at (current page.north){}; 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Happy Flu.}} - \row{06–08/2007}{\bold{LIP6/CNRS, Paris}}{Research Internship. \emph{Kernels in real world networks.}} - \row{07–08/2005}{\bold{\href{}{}}}{Summer job. \emph{Creation of a keyword generator for Google Adwords.}} - \row{07–08/2004}{\bold{\href{}{}}}{Summer job. \emph{Development of an e-commerce product indexation spider.}} - \end{tabular*} - - \section*{\green{onl}ine} - \bold{2012 Who did I forget ?} \hfill - \light{\href{}{}}\\ - Guest list recommandation for Facebook events based on friends already - attending the event. - - - \bold{2011 Fellows} \hfill - \light{\href{}{}}\\ - Automatic community detection among Facebook Friends in order to validate - the \emph{cohesion} measure, creation of friend lists. - - - \bold{2008 Happy Flu}\hfill - \light{\href{}{}}\\ - Experiment aimed to measure viral spreading of content across the - blogosphere. - - \section*{\orange{pub}lications} - \bibliography - - \section*{\purple{pre}ss} - - \btitle{\href{}{Who Did I Forget? Facebook Application Has The Answer}} - \bauthors{All Facebook} - \bmore{January 31st, 2012} - - \btitle{\href{}{Power of the graph : auto-fill your event guest list by quoting only one person}} - \bauthors{Wise Metrics} - \bmore{January 31st, 2012} - - \btitle{\href{}{Une expérience sociale sur Facebook : des triangles pour mesurer la cohésion sociale}} - \bauthors{Locita} - \bmore{January 31st, 2012} - - \btitle{\href{}{Fellows fait le tri parmi vos contacts Facebook}} - \bauthors{MinuteBuzz} - \bmore{March 22nd, 2011} - - \btitle{\href{}{A quoi sert votre graphe social ?}} - \bauthors{} - \bmore{March 7th, 2011} - - \btitle{\href{}{Fellows met de l’ordre dans vos contacts Facebook}} - \bauthors{Demain la veille} - \bmore{March 2nd, 2011} - - \btitle{\href{}{Un outil pour trier ses amis Facebook}} - \bauthors{Compagnon Parfait} - \bmore{March 1st, 2011} - - \btitle{\href{}{L’INRIA lance une expérimentation sur le réseau social Facebook}} - \bauthors{ITR Manager} - \bmore{February 28th, 2011} - - \btitle{\href{}{Sur les réseaux en ligne, les communautés s'identifient automatiquement}} - \bauthors{L'Atelier} - \bmore{February 23rd, 2011} - - \btitle{\href{}{Fellows, a Social Experiment}} - \bauthors{Social Living} - \bmore{February 18th, 2011} - - \btitle{\href{}{L'équipe DNET lance une expérimentation sur le réseau social Facebook}} - \bauthors{INRIA} - \bmore{February 16th, 2011} - - \btitle{\href{}{Fellows : une expérience sociale}} - \bauthors{ENS Lyon} - \bmore{February 16th, 2011} +\header{adrien}{friggeri} + {social network analyst} + +% In the aside, each new line forces a line break +\begin{aside} + \section{about} + 31 rue Smith + 69002 Lyon + France + +33 + ~ + \href{}{} + \href{}{} + \href{}{fb://adrien} + \section{languages} + bilingual french/english + spanish \& italian notions + \section{programming} + {\color{red} $\varheartsuit$} JavaScript + (ES5, node.js) + Python, C, OCaml + CSS3 \& HTML5 +\end{aside} + +\section{interests} + +complex networks, social networks, community detection, community structure, +overlapping communities, information diffusion, viral marketing, social +inference, recommendation, data mining + +\section{education} + +\begin{entrylist} + \entry + {since 2009} + {Ph.D. {\normalfont candidate in Computer Science}} + {DNET/INRIA, LIP/ÉNS de Lyon} + {\emph{A Quantified Theory of Social Cohesion.}} + \entry + {2007–2008} + {M.Sc. magna cum laude} + {IXXI, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon} + {Majoring in Computer Science\\ + Specialization in Complex Systems} + \entry + {2006–2007} + {B.Sc. magna cum laude} + {École Normale Supérieure de Lyon} + {Majoring in Computer Science} + \entry + {2003–2006} + {Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles} + {Lycée Fénelon, Lycée Louis le Grand, Paris} + {Preparation for national competitive entrance exams to leading French ``grandes écoles'', specializing in mathematics and physics.} + \entry + {2003} + {French Baccalauréat S. with honors} + {Lycée Louis le Grand, Paris} + {Specialization in mathematics and physics} +\end{entrylist} + +\section{experience} + +\begin{entrylist} + \entry + {02–07 2009} + {LIP6/CNRS, Paris} + {Research Internship.} + {\emph{Visualization of complex networks.}} + \entry + {06–08 2008} + {ISCPIF/CNRS, Paris} + {Research Internship.} + {\emph{Diffusion in the Blogosphere. Happy Flu.}} + \entry + {06–08 2007} + {LIP6/CNRS, Paris} + {Research Internship.} + {\emph{Kernels in real world networks.}} + \entry + {07–08 2005} + {\href{}{}} + {Summer job.} + {\emph{Creation of a keyword generator for Google Adwords.}} + \entry + {07–08 2004} + {\href{}{}} + {Summer job.} + {\emph{Development of an e-commerce product indexation spider.}} +\end{entrylist} + +\section{online} + +\begin{entrylist} + \entry + {2012} + {Who did I forget ?} + {\href{}{}} + {Guest list recommandation for Facebook events based on friends already attending the event.} + \entry + {2011} + {Fellows} + {\href{}{}} + {Automatic community detection among Facebook Friends in order to validate the \emph{cohesion} measure, creation of friend lists.} + \entry + {2008} + {Happy Flu} + {\href{}{}} + {Experiment aimed to measure viral spreading of content across theblogosphere.} +\end{entrylist} + +\section{publications} + +\printbibsection{article}{article in peer-reviewed journal} +\printbibsection{inproceedings}{peer-revieed conference/proceedings} +\printbibsection{misc}{other publications} +\printbibsection{report}{research report} \end{document} -- cgit v1.2.3