%!TEX TS-program = xelatex \documentclass[]{friggeri-cv} \usepackage{graphicx} \addbibresource{bibliography.bib} \begin{document} \header{adrien}{friggeri} {social network analyst} % In the aside, each new line forces a line break \begin{aside} \includegraphics[width=100pt]{photo.png} \section{about} 31 rue Smith 69002 Lyon France ~ \href{mailto:adrien@friggeri.net}{adrien@friggeri.net} \href{http://friggeri.net}{http://friggeri.net} \href{http://facebook.com/adrien}{fb://adrien} \section{languages} bilingual french/english spanish \& italian notions \section{programming} {\color{red} $\varheartsuit$} JavaScript (ES5, node.js) Python, C, OCaml CSS3 \& HTML5 \end{aside} \section{interests} complex networks, social networks, community detection, community structure, overlapping communities, information diffusion, viral marketing, social inference, recommendation, data mining \section{education} \begin{entrylist} \entry {since 2009} {Ph.D. {\normalfont candidate in Computer Science}} {DNET/INRIA, LIP/ÉNS de Lyon} {\emph{A Quantified Theory of Social Cohesion.}} \entry {2007–2008} {M.Sc. magna cum laude} {IXXI, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon} {Majoring in Computer Science\\ Specialization in Complex Systems} \entry {2006–2007} {B.Sc. magna cum laude} {École Normale Supérieure de Lyon} {Majoring in Computer Science} \entry {2003–2006} {Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles} {Lycée Fénelon, Lycée Louis le Grand, Paris} {Preparation for national competitive entrance exams to leading French ``grandes écoles'', specializing in mathematics and physics.} \entry {2003} {French Baccalauréat S. with honors} {Lycée Louis le Grand, Paris} {Specialization in mathematics and physics} \end{entrylist} \section{experience} \begin{entrylist} \entry {02–07 2009} {LIP6/CNRS, Paris} {Research Internship.} {\emph{Visualization of complex networks.}} \entry {06–08 2008} {ISCPIF/CNRS, Paris} {Research Internship.} {\emph{Diffusion in the Blogosphere. Happy Flu.}} \entry {06–08 2007} {LIP6/CNRS, Paris} {Research Internship.} {\emph{Kernels in real world networks.}} \entry {07–08 2005} {\href{http://www.kelkoo.com}{Kelkoo.com}} {Summer job.} {\emph{Creation of a keyword generator for Google Adwords.}} \entry {07–08 2004} {\href{http://www.monsieurprix.com}{MonsieurPrix.com}} {Summer job.} {\emph{Development of an e-commerce product indexation spider.}} \end{entrylist} \section{applications} \begin{entrylist} \entry {2012} {Who did I forget ?} {\href{http://whodidiforget.com}{whodidiforget.com}} {Guest list recommendation for Facebook events based on friends already attending the event.} \entry {2011} {Fellows} {\href{http://fellows-exp.com}{fellows-exp.com}} {Automatic community detection among Facebook Friends in order to validate the \emph{cohesion} measure, creation of friend lists.} \entry {2008} {Happy Flu} {\href{http://happyflu.com}{happyflu.com}} {Experiment aimed to measure viral spreading of content across the blogosphere.} \end{entrylist} \section{publications} \printbibsection{article}{article in peer-reviewed journal} \begin{refsection} \nocite{*} \printbibliography[sorting=chronological, type=inproceedings, title={international peer-reviewed conferences/proceedings}, notkeyword={france}, heading=subbibliography] \end{refsection} \begin{refsection} \nocite{*} \printbibliography[sorting=chronological, type=inproceedings, title={local peer-reviewed conferences/proceedings}, keyword={france}, heading=subbibliography] \end{refsection} \printbibsection{misc}{other publications} \printbibsection{report}{research reports} \end{document}