%!TEX TS-program = xelatex \documentclass[]{friggeri-cv} \usepackage{graphicx} \addbibresource{bibliography.bib} \begin{document} \header{Olivier }{Gayot} {4th-year student} % In the aside, each new line forces a line break \begin{aside} \includegraphics[width=100pt]{photo.png} \section{about} Woolf College CT2 7BQ United Kingdom -- 21 years old Driving License -- ~ phone: +33663613699 \href{mailto:ogayot@free.fr}{ogayot@free.fr} \href{https://github.com/duskCoder}{github: duskCoder} \href{http://www.sigexec.com}{http://www.sigexec.com} \section{languages} french: mother tongue english: fluent \end{aside} \section{Experience} \begin{entrylist} \entry {Apr. 2014 \\-> Sep. 2014} {BayLibre, Valbonne - Sophia Antipolis (France)} {Placement} {\emph{Fix issues brought on the latest versions of the Linux Kernel and Android for the BeagleBone Black. Contribution to a Power Cape project for the same board.}} \entry {Oct. 2013 \\-> Feb. 2014} {Fun RC Toys, Nancy Area (France)} {Partnership for a study project} {\emph{Development of a module of safety for drones (i.e. quadricopters) with three other students}} \entry {Oct. 2013 \\-> May 2014} {Intersec, Paris (France)} {Part time software developer} {\emph{Improvement of the software I developed during my placement (see below)}} \entry {Jul. 2012 \\-> Dec. 2012} {Intersec, Paris (France)} {Placement within the R\&D department} {\emph{Development of a software capable of simulating the motions of a large network of subscribers who move smartly inside a given zone}} \end{entrylist} \section{Interests} Low level programming\\ Computer security (exploitation and prevention)\\ Embedded development\\ Open Source development\\ Discovery of new technologies \section{Education} \begin{entrylist} \entry {Sept. 2014\\-> Expected 2015} {Master degree of Science} {University of Kent, England} {Course of Computer Security} \entry {Juil. 2014\\-> Expected 2016} {Master degree of Information Technology} {EPITECH Paris, France} {} \entry {Oct. 2011\\-> Jul. 2014} {Bachelor degree of Information Technology} {EPITECH Nancy, France} {} \entry {2011} {French Baccalauréat S. with honours} {Lycée Raymond Poincaré, France} {Specialized in Sciences of the Engineer} \end{entrylist} \section{Technologies} \begin{entrylist} \entry {C} {Proficient} {} {Heavy use of the C99 standard and the GNU extensions} \end{entrylist} % XXX \begin{entrylist} % move this block above another entry to wrap correctly \entry {C++} {Intermediate} {} {Fairly good Object-Oriented Thinking} \entry {Assembly} {Intermediate} {} {IA-32 and x86\_64 instruction sets\\ writing and reverse engineering} \entry {Web} {Appropriate knowledge of common web-related technologies} {} {XHTML/CSS\\ Server-side scripting: PHP\\ Client-side scripting: JavaScript (+ jQuery) } \entry {Python 2\&3} {Beginner} {} {Currently writing a wrapper for the libelf in order to learn the language} \entry {Perl} {Beginner} {} {} \end{entrylist} \section{Software} \begin{entrylist} \entry {} {Daily use of GNU/Linux, occasional use of Microsoft Windows} {} {Heavy usage of Vim\\ (D)CVS: Git, Subversion\\ GNU Autotools, make, GCC\\ Debugging: gdb, valgrind, ollydbg} \end{entrylist} \section{Miscellaneous} \begin{entrylist} \entry {} {} {} {Understanding of the ELF file format\\ Active membre of the ASEN (\emph{Association de Sécurité d'EPITECH Nancy})\\ Good knowledge of the benefits and pitfalls related to the use of unsafe languages (e.g. C)} \end{entrylist} \end{document}