diff options
6 files changed, 242 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/i3status.c b/i3status.c
index f487612..1968a97 100644
--- a/i3status.c
+++ b/i3status.c
@@ -404,6 +404,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
cfg_opt_t load_opts[] = {
CFG_STR("format", "%1min %5min %15min", CFGF_NONE),
+ CFG_STR("format_above_threshold", NULL, CFGF_NONE),
CFG_FLOAT("max_threshold", 5, CFGF_NONE),
@@ -414,6 +415,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
cfg_opt_t usage_opts[] = {
CFG_STR("format", "%usage", CFGF_NONE),
+ CFG_STR("format_above_threshold", NULL, CFGF_NONE),
+ CFG_STR("format_above_degraded_threshold", NULL, CFGF_NONE),
CFG_FLOAT("max_threshold", 95, CFGF_NONE),
CFG_FLOAT("degraded_threshold", 90, CFGF_NONE),
@@ -425,6 +428,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
cfg_opt_t temp_opts[] = {
CFG_STR("format", "%degrees C", CFGF_NONE),
+ CFG_STR("format_above_threshold", NULL, CFGF_NONE),
CFG_INT("max_threshold", 75, CFGF_NONE),
@@ -436,6 +440,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
cfg_opt_t disk_opts[] = {
CFG_STR("format", "%free", CFGF_NONE),
+ CFG_STR("format_below_threshold", NULL, CFGF_NONE),
CFG_STR("format_not_mounted", NULL, CFGF_NONE),
CFG_STR("prefix_type", "binary", CFGF_NONE),
CFG_STR("threshold_type", "percentage_avail", CFGF_NONE),
@@ -695,13 +700,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
CASE_SEC_TITLE("disk") {
- print_disk_info(json_gen, buffer, title, cfg_getstr(sec, "format"), cfg_getstr(sec, "format_not_mounted"), cfg_getstr(sec, "prefix_type"), cfg_getstr(sec, "threshold_type"), cfg_getfloat(sec, "low_threshold"));
+ print_disk_info(json_gen, buffer, title, cfg_getstr(sec, "format"), cfg_getstr(sec, "format_below_threshold"), cfg_getstr(sec, "format_not_mounted"), cfg_getstr(sec, "prefix_type"), cfg_getstr(sec, "threshold_type"), cfg_getfloat(sec, "low_threshold"));
CASE_SEC("load") {
- print_load(json_gen, buffer, cfg_getstr(sec, "format"), cfg_getfloat(sec, "max_threshold"));
+ print_load(json_gen, buffer, cfg_getstr(sec, "format"), cfg_getstr(sec, "format_above_threshold"), cfg_getfloat(sec, "max_threshold"));
@@ -735,13 +740,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
CASE_SEC_TITLE("cpu_temperature") {
- print_cpu_temperature_info(json_gen, buffer, atoi(title), cfg_getstr(sec, "path"), cfg_getstr(sec, "format"), cfg_getint(sec, "max_threshold"));
+ print_cpu_temperature_info(json_gen, buffer, atoi(title), cfg_getstr(sec, "path"), cfg_getstr(sec, "format"), cfg_getstr(sec, "format_above_threshold"), cfg_getint(sec, "max_threshold"));
CASE_SEC("cpu_usage") {
- print_cpu_usage(json_gen, buffer, cfg_getstr(sec, "format"), cfg_getfloat(sec, "max_threshold"), cfg_getfloat(sec, "degraded_threshold"));
+ print_cpu_usage(json_gen, buffer, cfg_getstr(sec, "format"), cfg_getstr(sec, "format_above_threshold"), cfg_getstr(sec, "format_above_degraded_threshold"), cfg_getfloat(sec, "max_threshold"), cfg_getfloat(sec, "degraded_threshold"));
diff --git a/include/i3status.h b/include/i3status.h
index d2b7064..e1b11f9 100644
--- a/include/i3status.h
+++ b/include/i3status.h
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ typedef enum {
const char *first_eth_interface(const net_type_t type);
void print_ipv6_info(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *format_up, const char *format_down);
-void print_disk_info(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *path, const char *format, const char *format_not_mounted, const char *prefix_type, const char *threshold_type, const double low_threshold);
+void print_disk_info(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *path, const char *format, const char *format_below_threshold, const char *format_not_mounted, const char *prefix_type, const char *threshold_type, const double low_threshold);
void print_battery_info(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, int number, const char *path, const char *format, const char *format_down, const char *status_chr, const char *status_bat, const char *status_unk, const char *status_full, int low_threshold, char *threshold_type, bool last_full_capacity, bool integer_battery_capacity, bool hide_seconds);
void print_time(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *title, const char *format, const char *tz, const char *locale, const char *format_time, time_t t);
void print_ddate(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *format, time_t t);
@@ -213,10 +213,10 @@ const char *get_ip_addr(const char *interface);
void print_wireless_info(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *interface, const char *format_up, const char *format_down);
void print_run_watch(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *title, const char *pidfile, const char *format, const char *format_down);
void print_path_exists(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *title, const char *path, const char *format, const char *format_down);
-void print_cpu_temperature_info(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, int zone, const char *path, const char *format, int);
-void print_cpu_usage(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *format, const float max_threshold, const float degraded_threshold);
+void print_cpu_temperature_info(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, int zone, const char *path, const char *format, const char *format_above_threshold, int);
+void print_cpu_usage(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *format, const char *format_above_threshold, const char *format_above_degraded_threshold, const float max_threshold, const float degraded_threshold);
void print_eth_info(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *interface, const char *format_up, const char *format_down);
-void print_load(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *format, const float max_threshold);
+void print_load(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *format, const char *format_above_threshold, const float max_threshold);
void print_volume(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *fmt, const char *fmt_muted, const char *device, const char *mixer, int mixer_idx);
bool process_runs(const char *path);
int volume_pulseaudio(uint32_t sink_idx, const char *sink_name);
diff --git a/src/print_cpu_temperature.c b/src/print_cpu_temperature.c
index fd2dd90..57cb114 100644
--- a/src/print_cpu_temperature.c
+++ b/src/print_cpu_temperature.c
@@ -44,17 +44,178 @@
#define MUKTOC(v) ((v - 273150000) / 1000000.0)
+typedef struct temperature_s {
+ double raw_value;
+ char formatted_value[20];
+} temperature_t;
+#define ERROR_CODE 1
+static int read_temperature(char *thermal_zone, temperature_t *temperature) {
+#if defined(LINUX)
+ static char buf[16];
+ long int temp;
+ if (!slurp(thermal_zone, buf, sizeof(buf)))
+ return ERROR_CODE;
+ temp = strtol(buf, NULL, 10);
+ temperature->raw_value = temp / 1000;
+ if (temp == LONG_MIN || temp == LONG_MAX || temp <= 0)
+ strcpy(temperature->formatted_value, "?");
+ else
+ sprintf(temperature->formatted_value, "%ld", (temp / 1000));
+#elif defined(__DragonFly__)
+ struct sensor th_sensor;
+ size_t th_sensorlen;
+ th_sensorlen = sizeof(th_sensor);
+ if (sysctlbyname(thermal_zone, &th_sensor, &th_sensorlen, NULL, 0) == -1) {
+ perror("sysctlbyname");
+ return ERROR_CODE;
+ }
+ temperature->raw_value = MUKTOC(th_sensor.value);
+ sprintf(temperature->formatted_value, "%.2f", MUKTOC(th_sensor.value));
+#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__)
+ int sysctl_rslt;
+ size_t sysctl_size = sizeof(sysctl_rslt);
+ if (sysctlbyname(thermal_zone, &sysctl_rslt, &sysctl_size, NULL, 0))
+ return ERROR_CODE;
+ temperature->raw_value = TZ_AVG(sysctl_rslt);
+ sprintf(temperature->formatted_value, "%d.%d", TZ_KELVTOC(sysctl_rslt));
+#elif defined(__OpenBSD__)
+ struct sensordev sensordev;
+ struct sensor sensor;
+ size_t sdlen, slen;
+ int dev, numt, mib[5] = {CTL_HW, HW_SENSORS, 0, 0, 0};
+ sdlen = sizeof(sensordev);
+ slen = sizeof(sensor);
+ for (dev = 0;; dev++) {
+ mib[2] = dev;
+ if (sysctl(mib, 3, &sensordev, &sdlen, NULL, 0) == -1) {
+ if (errno == ENXIO)
+ continue;
+ if (errno == ENOENT)
+ break;
+ return ERROR_CODE;
+ }
+ /* 'path' is the node within the full path (defaults to acpitz0). */
+ if (BEGINS_WITH(sensordev.xname, thermal_zone)) {
+ mib[3] = SENSOR_TEMP;
+ /* Limit to temo0, but should retrieve from a full path... */
+ for (numt = 0; numt < 1 /*sensordev.maxnumt[SENSOR_TEMP]*/; numt++) {
+ mib[4] = numt;
+ if (sysctl(mib, 5, &sensor, &slen, NULL, 0) == -1) {
+ if (errno != ENOENT) {
+ warn("sysctl");
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ temperature->raw_value = MUKTOC(sensor.value);
+ sprintf(temperature->formatted_value, "%.2f", MUKTOC(sensor.value));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#elif defined(__NetBSD__)
+ int fd, rval;
+ bool err = false;
+ prop_dictionary_t dict;
+ prop_array_t array;
+ prop_object_iterator_t iter;
+ prop_object_iterator_t iter2;
+ prop_object_t obj, obj2, obj3;
+ fd = open("/dev/sysmon", O_RDONLY);
+ if (fd == -1)
+ return ERROR_CODE;
+ rval = prop_dictionary_recv_ioctl(fd, ENVSYS_GETDICTIONARY, &dict);
+ if (rval == -1) {
+ err = true;
+ goto error_netbsd1;
+ }
+ /* No drivers registered? */
+ if (prop_dictionary_count(dict) == 0) {
+ err = true;
+ goto error_netbsd2;
+ }
+ iter = prop_dictionary_iterator(dict);
+ if (iter == NULL) {
+ err = true;
+ goto error_netbsd2;
+ }
+ /* iterate over the dictionary returned by the kernel */
+ while ((obj = prop_object_iterator_next(iter)) != NULL) {
+ /* skip this dict if it's not what we're looking for */
+ if ((strlen(prop_dictionary_keysym_cstring_nocopy(obj)) != strlen(thermal_zone)) ||
+ (strncmp(thermal_zone,
+ prop_dictionary_keysym_cstring_nocopy(obj),
+ strlen(thermal_zone)) != 0))
+ continue;
+ array = prop_dictionary_get_keysym(dict, obj);
+ if (prop_object_type(array) != PROP_TYPE_ARRAY) {
+ err = true;
+ goto error_netbsd3;
+ }
+ iter2 = prop_array_iterator(array);
+ if (!iter2) {
+ err = true;
+ goto error_netbsd3;
+ }
+ /* iterate over array of dicts specific to target sensor */
+ while ((obj2 = prop_object_iterator_next(iter2)) != NULL) {
+ obj3 = prop_dictionary_get(obj2, "cur-value");
+ float temp = MUKTOC(prop_number_integer_value(obj3));
+ temperature->raw_value = temp;
+ sprintf(temperature->formatted_value, "%.2f", temp);
+ break;
+ }
+ prop_object_iterator_release(iter2);
+ }
+ prop_object_iterator_release(iter);
+ prop_object_release(dict);
+ close(fd);
+ if (err)
+ return ERROR_CODE;
+ return 0;
* Reads the CPU temperature from /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone%d/temp (or
* the user provided path) and returns the temperature in degree celcius.
-void print_cpu_temperature_info(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, int zone, const char *path, const char *format, int max_threshold) {
+void print_cpu_temperature_info(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, int zone, const char *path, const char *format, const char *format_above_threshold, int max_threshold) {
char *outwalk = buffer;
+ const char *selected_format = format;
const char *walk;
bool colorful_output = false;
char *thermal_zone;
+ temperature_t temperature;
if (path == NULL)
asprintf(&thermal_zone, THERMAL_ZONE, zone);
@@ -74,200 +235,32 @@ void print_cpu_temperature_info(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, int zone, const
- for (walk = format; *walk != '\0'; walk++) {
+ if (read_temperature(thermal_zone, &temperature) != 0)
+ goto error;
+ if (temperature.raw_value >= max_threshold) {
+ START_COLOR("color_bad");
+ colorful_output = true;
+ if (format_above_threshold != NULL)
+ selected_format = format_above_threshold;
+ }
+ for (walk = selected_format; *walk != '\0'; walk++) {
if (*walk != '%') {
*(outwalk++) = *walk;
if (BEGINS_WITH(walk + 1, "degrees")) {
-#if defined(LINUX)
- static char buf[16];
- long int temp;
- if (!slurp(thermal_zone, buf, sizeof(buf)))
- goto error;
- temp = strtol(buf, NULL, 10);
- if (temp == LONG_MIN || temp == LONG_MAX || temp <= 0)
- *(outwalk++) = '?';
- else {
- if ((temp / 1000) >= max_threshold) {
- START_COLOR("color_bad");
- colorful_output = true;
- }
- outwalk += sprintf(outwalk, "%ld", (temp / 1000));
- if (colorful_output) {
- colorful_output = false;
- }
- }
-#elif defined(__DragonFly__)
- struct sensor th_sensor;
- size_t th_sensorlen;
- th_sensorlen = sizeof(th_sensor);
- if (sysctlbyname(thermal_zone, &th_sensor, &th_sensorlen, NULL, 0) == -1) {
- perror("sysctlbyname");
- goto error;
- }
- if (MUKTOC(th_sensor.value) >= max_threshold) {
- START_COLOR("color_bad");
- colorful_output = true;
- }
- outwalk += sprintf(outwalk, "%.2f", MUKTOC(th_sensor.value));
- if (colorful_output) {
- colorful_output = false;
- }
-#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__)
- int sysctl_rslt;
- size_t sysctl_size = sizeof(sysctl_rslt);
- if (sysctlbyname(thermal_zone, &sysctl_rslt, &sysctl_size, NULL, 0))
- goto error;
- if (TZ_AVG(sysctl_rslt) >= max_threshold) {
- START_COLOR("color_bad");
- colorful_output = true;
- }
- outwalk += sprintf(outwalk, "%d.%d", TZ_KELVTOC(sysctl_rslt));
- if (colorful_output) {
- colorful_output = false;
- }
-#elif defined(__OpenBSD__)
- struct sensordev sensordev;
- struct sensor sensor;
- size_t sdlen, slen;
- int dev, numt, mib[5] = {CTL_HW, HW_SENSORS, 0, 0, 0};
- sdlen = sizeof(sensordev);
- slen = sizeof(sensor);
- for (dev = 0;; dev++) {
- mib[2] = dev;
- if (sysctl(mib, 3, &sensordev, &sdlen, NULL, 0) == -1) {
- if (errno == ENXIO)
- continue;
- if (errno == ENOENT)
- break;
- goto error;
- }
- /* 'path' is the node within the full path (defaults to acpitz0). */
- if (BEGINS_WITH(sensordev.xname, thermal_zone)) {
- mib[3] = SENSOR_TEMP;
- /* Limit to temo0, but should retrieve from a full path... */
- for (numt = 0; numt < 1 /*sensordev.maxnumt[SENSOR_TEMP]*/; numt++) {
- mib[4] = numt;
- if (sysctl(mib, 5, &sensor, &slen, NULL, 0) == -1) {
- if (errno != ENOENT) {
- warn("sysctl");
- continue;
- }
- }
- if ((int)MUKTOC(sensor.value) >= max_threshold) {
- START_COLOR("color_bad");
- colorful_output = true;
- }
- outwalk += sprintf(outwalk, "%.2f", MUKTOC(sensor.value));
- if (colorful_output) {
- colorful_output = false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-#elif defined(__NetBSD__)
- int fd, rval;
- bool err = false;
- prop_dictionary_t dict;
- prop_array_t array;
- prop_object_iterator_t iter;
- prop_object_iterator_t iter2;
- prop_object_t obj, obj2, obj3;
- fd = open("/dev/sysmon", O_RDONLY);
- if (fd == -1)
- goto error;
- rval = prop_dictionary_recv_ioctl(fd, ENVSYS_GETDICTIONARY, &dict);
- if (rval == -1) {
- err = true;
- goto error_netbsd1;
- }
- /* No drivers registered? */
- if (prop_dictionary_count(dict) == 0) {
- err = true;
- goto error_netbsd2;
- }
- iter = prop_dictionary_iterator(dict);
- if (iter == NULL) {
- err = true;
- goto error_netbsd2;
- }
- /* iterate over the dictionary returned by the kernel */
- while ((obj = prop_object_iterator_next(iter)) != NULL) {
- /* skip this dict if it's not what we're looking for */
- if ((strlen(prop_dictionary_keysym_cstring_nocopy(obj)) != strlen(thermal_zone)) ||
- (strncmp(thermal_zone,
- prop_dictionary_keysym_cstring_nocopy(obj),
- strlen(thermal_zone)) != 0))
- continue;
- array = prop_dictionary_get_keysym(dict, obj);
- if (prop_object_type(array) != PROP_TYPE_ARRAY) {
- err = true;
- goto error_netbsd3;
- }
- iter2 = prop_array_iterator(array);
- if (!iter2) {
- err = true;
- goto error_netbsd3;
- }
- /* iterate over array of dicts specific to target sensor */
- while ((obj2 = prop_object_iterator_next(iter2)) != NULL) {
- obj3 = prop_dictionary_get(obj2, "cur-value");
- float temp = MUKTOC(prop_number_integer_value(obj3));
- if ((int)temp >= max_threshold) {
- START_COLOR("color_bad");
- colorful_output = true;
- }
- outwalk += sprintf(outwalk, "%.2f", temp);
- if (colorful_output) {
- colorful_output = false;
- }
- break;
- }
- prop_object_iterator_release(iter2);
- }
- error_netbsd3:
- prop_object_iterator_release(iter);
- error_netbsd2:
- prop_object_release(dict);
- error_netbsd1:
- close(fd);
- if (err)
- goto error;
+ outwalk += sprintf(outwalk, "%s", temperature.formatted_value);
walk += strlen("degrees");
+ if (colorful_output) {
+ colorful_output = false;
+ }
diff --git a/src/print_cpu_usage.c b/src/print_cpu_usage.c
index 1753cf5..45a5ef2 100644
--- a/src/print_cpu_usage.c
+++ b/src/print_cpu_usage.c
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ static int prev_idle = 0;
* percentage.
-void print_cpu_usage(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *format, const float max_threshold, const float degraded_threshold) {
+void print_cpu_usage(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *format, const char *format_above_threshold, const char *format_above_degraded_threshold, const float max_threshold, const float degraded_threshold) {
+ const char *selected_format = format;
const char *walk;
char *outwalk = buffer;
int curr_user = 0, curr_nice = 0, curr_system = 0, curr_idle = 0, curr_total;
@@ -96,29 +97,34 @@ void print_cpu_usage(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *format, const
goto error;
- for (walk = format; *walk != '\0'; walk++) {
+ if (diff_usage >= max_threshold) {
+ START_COLOR("color_bad");
+ colorful_output = true;
+ if (format_above_threshold != NULL)
+ selected_format = format_above_threshold;
+ } else if (diff_usage >= degraded_threshold) {
+ START_COLOR("color_degraded");
+ colorful_output = true;
+ if (format_above_degraded_threshold != NULL)
+ selected_format = format_above_degraded_threshold;
+ }
+ for (walk = selected_format; *walk != '\0'; walk++) {
if (*walk != '%') {
*(outwalk++) = *walk;
- if (diff_usage >= max_threshold) {
- START_COLOR("color_bad");
- colorful_output = true;
- } else if (diff_usage >= degraded_threshold) {
- START_COLOR("color_degraded");
- colorful_output = true;
- }
if (BEGINS_WITH(walk + 1, "usage")) {
outwalk += sprintf(outwalk, "%02d%s", diff_usage, pct_mark);
walk += strlen("usage");
- if (colorful_output)
+ if (colorful_output)
diff --git a/src/print_disk_info.c b/src/print_disk_info.c
index 624a8e2..d343fb8 100644
--- a/src/print_disk_info.c
+++ b/src/print_disk_info.c
@@ -110,10 +110,12 @@ static bool below_threshold(struct statvfs buf, const char *prefix_type, const c
* human readable manner.
-void print_disk_info(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *path, const char *format, const char *format_not_mounted, const char *prefix_type, const char *threshold_type, const double low_threshold) {
+void print_disk_info(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *path, const char *format, const char *format_below_threshold, const char *format_not_mounted, const char *prefix_type, const char *threshold_type, const double low_threshold) {
+ const char *selected_format = format;
const char *walk;
char *outwalk = buffer;
bool colorful_output = false;
+ bool mounted = false;
@@ -122,47 +124,48 @@ void print_disk_info(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *path, const ch
if (statfs(path, &buf) == -1)
+ mounted = true;
#elif defined(__NetBSD__)
struct statvfs buf;
if (statvfs(path, &buf) == -1)
+ mounted = true;
struct statvfs buf;
- if (format_not_mounted == NULL) {
- format_not_mounted = "";
- }
if (statvfs(path, &buf) == -1) {
/* If statvfs errors, e.g., due to the path not existing,
- * we use the format for a not mounted device. */
- format = format_not_mounted;
+ * we consider the device not mounted. */
+ mounted = false;
} else {
FILE *mntentfile = setmntent("/etc/mtab", "r");
struct mntent *m;
- bool found = false;
while ((m = getmntent(mntentfile)) != NULL) {
if (strcmp(m->mnt_dir, path) == 0) {
- found = true;
+ mounted = true;
- if (!found) {
- format = format_not_mounted;
- }
- if (low_threshold > 0 && below_threshold(buf, prefix_type, threshold_type, low_threshold)) {
+ if (!mounted) {
+ if (format_not_mounted == NULL)
+ format_not_mounted = "";
+ selected_format = format_not_mounted;
+ } else if (low_threshold > 0 && below_threshold(buf, prefix_type, threshold_type, low_threshold)) {
colorful_output = true;
+ if (format_below_threshold != NULL)
+ selected_format = format_below_threshold;
- for (walk = format; *walk != '\0'; walk++) {
+ for (walk = selected_format; *walk != '\0'; walk++) {
if (*walk != '%') {
*(outwalk++) = *walk;
diff --git a/src/print_load.c b/src/print_load.c
index 7ba4ae1..6da2519 100644
--- a/src/print_load.c
+++ b/src/print_load.c
@@ -6,28 +6,31 @@
#include <yajl/yajl_gen.h>
#include <yajl/yajl_version.h>
-void print_load(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *format, const float max_threshold) {
+void print_load(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *format, const char *format_above_threshold, const float max_threshold) {
char *outwalk = buffer;
/* Get load */
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) || defined(linux) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(sun) || defined(__DragonFly__)
double loadavg[3];
+ const char *selected_format = format;
const char *walk;
bool colorful_output = false;
if (getloadavg(loadavg, 3) == -1)
goto error;
- for (walk = format; *walk != '\0'; walk++) {
+ if (loadavg[0] >= max_threshold) {
+ START_COLOR("color_bad");
+ colorful_output = true;
+ if (format_above_threshold != NULL)
+ selected_format = format_above_threshold;
+ }
+ for (walk = selected_format; *walk != '\0'; walk++) {
if (*walk != '%') {
*(outwalk++) = *walk;
- if (loadavg[0] >= max_threshold) {
- START_COLOR("color_bad");
- colorful_output = true;
- }
if (BEGINS_WITH(walk + 1, "1min")) {
outwalk += sprintf(outwalk, "%1.2f", loadavg[0]);
walk += strlen("1min");
@@ -42,10 +45,11 @@ void print_load(yajl_gen json_gen, char *buffer, const char *format, const float
outwalk += sprintf(outwalk, "%1.2f", loadavg[2]);
walk += strlen("15min");
- if (colorful_output)
+ if (colorful_output)
*outwalk = '\0';