TOPDIR=$(shell pwd) ifndef PREFIX PREFIX=/usr endif ifndef MANPREFIX MANPREFIX=$(PREFIX) endif ifndef SYSCONFDIR ifeq ($(PREFIX),/usr) SYSCONFDIR=/etc else SYSCONFDIR=$(PREFIX)/etc endif endif PKG_CONFIG ?= pkg-config CFLAGS+=-Wall -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wsign-compare CFLAGS+=-g CFLAGS+=-std=gnu99 CFLAGS+=-pedantic CPPFLAGS+=-DSYSCONFDIR=\"$(SYSCONFDIR)\" CPPFLAGS+=-DVERSION=\"${I3STATUS_VERSION}\" CFLAGS+=-Iinclude LIBS+=-lconfuse LIBS+=-lyajl LIBS+=-lpulse LIBS+=-lm LIBS+=-lpthread ifeq ($(wildcard .git),) # not in git repository VERSION := $(shell [ -f $(TOPDIR)/I3STATUS_VERSION ] && cat $(TOPDIR)/I3STATUS_VERSION | cut -d '-' -f 1) I3STATUS_VERSION := '$(shell [ -f $(TOPDIR)/I3STATUS_VERSION ] && cat $(TOPDIR)/I3STATUS_VERSION)' else VERSION:=$(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0) I3STATUS_VERSION:="$(shell git describe --tags --always) ($(shell git log --pretty=format:%cd --date=short -n1))" endif OS:=$(shell uname) ifeq ($(OS),Linux) CPPFLAGS+=-DLINUX CPPFLAGS+=-D_GNU_SOURCE CFLAGS += $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags libnl-genl-3.0) LIBS += $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --libs libnl-genl-3.0) LIBS+=-lasound endif ifeq ($(OS),GNU/kFreeBSD) LIBS+=-lbsd endif ifneq (, $(filter $(OS), DragonFly FreeBSD OpenBSD)) CFLAGS+=-I/usr/local/include/ LDFLAGS+=-L/usr/local/lib/ endif ifeq ($(OS),NetBSD) LIBS+=-lprop endif # This probably applies for any pkgsrc based system ifneq (, $(filter $(OS), NetBSD DragonFly)) CFLAGS+=-I/usr/pkg/include/ LDFLAGS+=-L/usr/pkg/lib/ endif V ?= 0 ifeq ($(V),0) # Don’t print command lines which are run .SILENT: endif CFLAGS+=$(EXTRA_CFLAGS) # Fallback for libyajl 1 which did not include yajl_version.h. We need # YAJL_MAJOR from that file to decide which code path should be used. CFLAGS += -idirafter yajl-fallback OBJS:=$(sort $(wildcard src/*.c *.c)) OBJS:=$(OBJS:.c=.o) ifeq ($(OS),OpenBSD) OBJS:=$(filter-out src/pulse.o, $(OBJS)) LIBS:=$(filter-out -lpulse, $(LIBS)) endif src/%.o: src/%.c include/i3status.h $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< @echo " CC $<" %.o: %.c include/%.h $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< @echo " CC $<" all: i3status manpage i3status: ${OBJS} $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) @echo " LD $@" test: i3status LC_ALL=C ./travis/ clean: rm -f *.o src/*.o distclean: clean rm -f i3status man/i3status.1 manpage: $(MAKE) -C man install: install -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin install -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR) install -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/share/man/man1 install -m 755 i3status $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/i3status # Allow network configuration for getting the link speed (which setcap && setcap cap_net_admin=ep $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/i3status) || true install -m 644 i3status.conf $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/i3status.conf install -m 644 man/i3status.1 $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/share/man/man1 release: [ -f i3status-${VERSION} ] || rm -rf i3status-${VERSION} mkdir i3status-${VERSION} find . -maxdepth 1 -type f \( -regex ".*\.\(c\|conf\|h\)" -or -name "" -or -name "Makefile" -or -name "LICENSE" -or -name "CHANGELOG" \) -exec cp '{}' i3status-${VERSION} \; mkdir i3status-${VERSION}/src mkdir i3status-${VERSION}/man find src -maxdepth 1 -type f \( -regex ".*\.\(c\|h\)" \) -exec cp '{}' i3status-${VERSION}/src \; find man -maxdepth 1 -type f \( -regex ".*\.\(1\|man\|conf\)" -or -name "Makefile" \) -exec cp '{}' i3status-${VERSION}/man \; cp -r include i3status-${VERSION} cp -r yajl-fallback i3status-${VERSION} cp -r contrib i3status-${VERSION} echo ${I3STATUS_VERSION} > i3status-${VERSION}/I3STATUS_VERSION tar cjf i3status-${VERSION}.tar.bz2 i3status-${VERSION} rm -rf i3status-${VERSION}