#!/usr/bin/env bash # This i3status wrapper allows to add custom information in any position of the statusline # It was developed for i3bar (JSON format) # The idea is to define "holder" modules in i3status config and then replace them # In order to make this example work you need to add # order += "tztime holder__hey_man" # and # tztime holder__hey_man { # format = "holder__hey_man" # } # in i3staus config # Don't forget that i3status config should contain: # general { # output_format = i3bar # } # # and i3 config should contain: # bar { # status_command exec /path/to/this/script.sh # } # Make sure jq is installed # That's it # You can easily add multiple custom modules using additional "holders" function update_holder { local instance="$1" local replacement="$2" echo "$json_array" | jq --argjson arg_j "$replacement" "(.[] | (select(.instance==\"$instance\"))) |= \$arg_j" } function remove_holder { local instance="$1" echo "$json_array" | jq "del(.[] | (select(.instance==\"$instance\")))" } function hey_man { local rand_val=$((RANDOM % 3)) if [ $rand_val == 1 ] ; then local json='{ "full_text": "Hey Man!", "color": "#00FF00" }' json_array=$(update_holder holder__hey_man "$json") elif [ $rand_val == 0 ] ; then local json='{ "full_text": "Hey Man!", "color": "#FF0000" }' json_array=$(update_holder holder__hey_man "$json") else json_array=$(remove_holder holder__hey_man) fi } i3status | (read line; echo "$line"; read line ; echo "$line" ; read line ; echo "$line" ; while true do read line json_array="$(echo $line | sed -e 's/^,//')" hey_man echo ",$json_array" done)