/* * vim:ts=8:expandtab * * i3status – Generates a status line for dzen2 or xmobar * * Copyright © 2008-2009 Michael Stapelberg and contributors * Copyright © 2009 Thorsten Toepper <atsutane at freethoughts dot de> * * See file LICENSE for license information. * */ #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <signal.h> #include <confuse.h> #include "i3status.h" /* socket file descriptor for general purposes */ int general_socket; cfg_t *cfg, *cfg_general; /* * Exit upon SIGPIPE because when we have nowhere to write to, gathering * system information is pointless. * */ void sigpipe(int signum) { fprintf(stderr, "Received SIGPIPE, exiting\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned int j; cfg_opt_t general_opts[] = { CFG_BOOL("colors", 1, CFGF_NONE), CFG_INT("interval", 1, CFGF_NONE), CFG_END() }; cfg_opt_t run_watch_opts[] = { CFG_STR("pidfile", NULL, CFGF_NONE), CFG_STR("format", "%title: %status", CFGF_NONE), CFG_END() }; cfg_opt_t wireless_opts[] = { CFG_STR("format_up", "W: (%quality at %essid) %ip", CFGF_NONE), CFG_STR("format_down", "W: down", CFGF_NONE), CFG_END() }; cfg_opt_t ethernet_opts[] = { CFG_STR("format_up", "E: %ip (%speed)", CFGF_NONE), CFG_STR("format_down", "E: down", CFGF_NONE), CFG_END() }; cfg_opt_t ipv6_opts[] = { CFG_STR("format", "%ip", CFGF_NONE), CFG_END() }; cfg_opt_t battery_opts[] = { CFG_STR("format", "%status %percentage %remaining", CFGF_NONE), CFG_BOOL("last_full_capacity", false, CFGF_NONE), CFG_END() }; cfg_opt_t time_opts[] = { CFG_STR("format", "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", CFGF_NONE), CFG_END() }; cfg_opt_t load_opts[] = { CFG_STR("format", "%5min %10min %15min", CFGF_NONE), CFG_END() }; cfg_opt_t temp_opts[] = { CFG_STR("format", "%degrees C", CFGF_NONE), CFG_END() }; cfg_opt_t disk_opts[] = { CFG_STR("format", "%free", CFGF_NONE), CFG_END() }; cfg_opt_t opts[] = { CFG_STR_LIST("order", "{ipv6,\"run_watch DHCP\",\"wireless wlan0\",\"ethernet eth0\",\"battery 0\",\"cpu_temperature 0\",load,time}", CFGF_NONE), CFG_SEC("general", general_opts, CFGF_NONE), CFG_SEC("run_watch", run_watch_opts, CFGF_TITLE | CFGF_MULTI), CFG_SEC("wireless", wireless_opts, CFGF_TITLE | CFGF_MULTI), CFG_SEC("ethernet", ethernet_opts, CFGF_TITLE | CFGF_MULTI), CFG_SEC("battery", battery_opts, CFGF_TITLE | CFGF_MULTI), CFG_SEC("cpu_temperature", temp_opts, CFGF_TITLE | CFGF_MULTI), CFG_SEC("disk", disk_opts, CFGF_TITLE | CFGF_MULTI), CFG_SEC("ipv6", ipv6_opts, CFGF_TITLE), CFG_SEC("time", time_opts, CFGF_NONE), CFG_SEC("load", load_opts, CFGF_NONE), CFG_END() }; char *configfile = PREFIX "/etc/i3status.conf"; int o, option_index = 0; struct option long_options[] = { {"config", required_argument, 0, 'c'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; struct sigaction action; memset(&action, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction)); action.sa_handler = sigpipe; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, NULL); while ((o = getopt_long(argc, argv, "c:h", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) if ((char)o == 'c') configfile = optarg; else if ((char)o == 'h') { printf("i3status © 2008-2009 Michael Stapelberg\n" "Syntax: %s [-c <configfile>]\n", argv[0]); return 0; } cfg = cfg_init(opts, CFGF_NONE); if (cfg_parse(cfg, configfile) == CFG_PARSE_ERROR) return EXIT_FAILURE; cfg_general = cfg_getsec(cfg, "general"); if ((general_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1) die("Could not create socket\n"); while (1) { for (j = 0; j < cfg_size(cfg, "order"); j++) { if (j > 0) print_seperator(); const char *current = cfg_getnstr(cfg, "order", j); CASE_SEC("ipv6") print_ipv6_info(cfg_getstr(sec, "format")); CASE_SEC_TITLE("wireless") print_wireless_info(title, cfg_getstr(sec, "format_up"), cfg_getstr(sec, "format_down")); CASE_SEC_TITLE("ethernet") print_eth_info(title, cfg_getstr(sec, "format_up"), cfg_getstr(sec, "format_down")); CASE_SEC_TITLE("battery") print_battery_info(atoi(title), cfg_getstr(sec, "format"), cfg_getbool(sec, "last_full_capacity")); CASE_SEC_TITLE("run_watch") print_run_watch(title, cfg_getstr(sec, "pidfile"), cfg_getstr(sec, "format")); CASE_SEC_TITLE("disk") print_disk_info(title, cfg_getstr(sec, "format")); CASE_SEC("load") print_load(cfg_getstr(sec, "format")); CASE_SEC("time") print_time(cfg_getstr(sec, "format")); CASE_SEC_TITLE("cpu_temperature") print_cpu_temperature_info(atoi(title), cfg_getstr(sec, "format")); } printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); sleep(cfg_getint(cfg_general, "interval")); } }