#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' monitor-menu.py Usage: monitor-menu.py [options] monitor-menu.py [options] Options: --loglevel=LOGLEVEL Set the log level [default: info] ''' import json import logging from os.path import expanduser import subprocess import dialog import docopt class MonitorMenu(): def __init__(self, config_file='~/.config/monitor-profiles.json'): with open(expanduser(config_file)) as fh: self.profiles = json.load(fh) self.d = dialog.Dialog(autowidgetsize=True) def run(self, profile_idx=None): choices = [] if profile_idx is None: i = 0 for p in self.profiles: choices.append((str(i), p['name'])) i += 1 code, profile_idx = self.d.menu( 'Select the profile you want to use.', choices=choices) if code in (self.d.ESC, self.d.CANCEL): return profile = self.profiles[int(profile_idx)] # We build the command line starting from just "xrandr" and adding # arguments. xrandr_cmd = ['xrandr'] feh_cmd = ['feh', '--bg-fill'] try: xrandr_cmd += profile['xrandr-opts'] except KeyError: pass for monitor in profile['monitors']: xrandr_cmd.extend(monitor['xrandr-opts']) if monitor.get('background') is not None: feh_cmd.append(monitor['background']) logging.debug("Executing: %s", xrandr_cmd) subprocess.run(xrandr_cmd, check=False) logging.debug("Executing: %s", feh_cmd) subprocess.run(feh_cmd, check=False) def main(argv=None): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__, version='1', argv=argv) menu = MonitorMenu() numeric_level = getattr(logging, args["--loglevel"].upper(), None) if not isinstance(numeric_level, int): raise ValueError(f"invalid log level: {args['--loglevel']}") logging.basicConfig(level=numeric_level) try: if '' in args and args[''] is not None: menu.run(int(args[''])) else: menu.run() except ValueError as e: raise docopt.DocoptExit(str(e)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()