#ifndef STRUCTURES_H #define STRUCTURES_H typedef struct surfaces SURFACES; struct surfaces { SDL_Surface *Pecran; SDL_Surface *Pgobelin; SDL_Surface *red_warrior_gobelin; SDL_Surface *Ppaladin; SDL_Surface *Ppretre; SDL_Surface *Pvoleur; SDL_Surface *red_paladin; SDL_Surface *red_priest; SDL_Surface *red_thief; SDL_Surface *Pmenuoptions; SDL_Surface *Pmenujouer; SDL_Surface *Pmenuquitter; /* * the 3 following structures are actually an image of a menu with * respectively the text "Paladin", "Pretre" or "Voleur" selected */ SDL_Surface *Pchoixpaladin; SDL_Surface *Pchoixpretre; SDL_Surface *Pchoixvoleur; SDL_Surface *Tperso[3]; SDL_Surface *Tennemi[5]; SDL_Surface *Ptextechoixmenu; SDL_Surface *Pcurseurennemis; SDL_Surface *Pcurseurallies; SDL_Surface *Pfondjeu; SDL_Surface *Pnbdegats; SDL_Surface *Pcadrecible; SDL_Surface *Pnomcible; SDL_Surface *Pactive; SDL_Surface *Pdesactive; SDL_Surface *Ppvcible; SDL_Surface *Ppmcible; SDL_Surface *Ppvpersos; SDL_Surface *Ppmpersos; SDL_Surface *Pcadreactions; SDL_Surface *Pactionselectionnee; SDL_Surface *Pactiondesactivee; SDL_Surface *Pnomactions[3]; SDL_Surface *Pmort; SDL_Surface *Pquantite[3]; SDL_Surface *Pmap_sol; SDL_Surface *Pmap_mur; SDL_Surface *Pmap_coffre; SDL_Surface *Pmap_perso; }; typedef struct positions POSITIONS; struct positions { SDL_Rect Vpositionmenu; SDL_Rect Vpositionmenupaladin; SDL_Rect Vpositionmenuvoleur; SDL_Rect Vpositionmenupretre; SDL_Rect Vpositionpersos[3]; SDL_Rect Vpositionennemis[5]; SDL_Rect Vpositiontextemenu; SDL_Rect Vpositioncurseurennemis; SDL_Rect Vpositioncurseurallies; SDL_Rect Vpositioncadrecible; SDL_Rect Vpositionnomcible; SDL_Rect Vpositionactivedesactive[16]; SDL_Rect Vpositionpvcible; SDL_Rect Vpositionpmcible; SDL_Rect Vpositioncadreactions; SDL_Rect Vpositionactionselectionnee[3]; SDL_Rect Vpositionnomactions[3]; SDL_Rect Vpositionmort; SDL_Rect Vpositiondegats; SDL_Rect Vpositionpvpersos[3]; SDL_Rect Vpositionpmpersos[3]; SDL_Rect Vpositionquantite[3]; SDL_Rect Vpositionmap_item[15][11]; }; typedef struct ally_t PERSONNAGES; struct ally_t { int nv; int pv; int pm; int magie; int force; int defense; int defensemagique; int xp; int etat; int pvinitiaux; int pminitiaux; }; typedef struct enemy_t ENNEMIS; struct enemy_t { int classe; int pv; int pm; int magie; int force; int defense; int defensemagique; int etat; int sensibilite[4]; int resistance[4]; int invulnerabilite[4]; int absorbtion[4]; int pvinitiaux; int pminitiaux; }; typedef struct objects_t OBJET; struct objects_t { int potions; int ethers; int potionsplus; int ethersplus; }; #endif