path: root/webapp/swiftstory-mobile.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'webapp/swiftstory-mobile.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/webapp/swiftstory-mobile.js b/webapp/swiftstory-mobile.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b05193c..0000000
--- a/webapp/swiftstory-mobile.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-$(document).ready(function() {
- var $home = $("#home");
- var $game = $("#game");
- var $become_judge = $('[data-state="become-judge"]');
- var $judge_collect = $('[data-state="judge-collect"]');
- var $judge_choose = $('[data-state="judge-choose"]');
- var $player_choose = $('[data-state="player-choose"]');
- var $player_wait = $('[data-state="player-wait"]');
- var $leave_room = $('#leave-room');
- var $all = $("[data-state]");
- var $join_btn = $("#join-btn");
- var $become_judge_btn = $("#become-judge-btn");
- var $judge_collect_btn = $("#judge-collect-btn");
- var $black_card = $("#black-card");
- var $played_card_number = $("#played-card-number");
- var $header = $("header");
- var $white_cards = $('#white-cards');
- var $played_cards = $('#played-cards');
- var $score_value = $('#score-value');
- $ () {
- window.location.reload();
- });
- $ {
- swst.pick_black_card();
- });
- $ () {
- swst.join_game(prompt('Name of the game'));
- });
- $ {
- swst.collect_cards();
- });
- swst.on_socket_open = function() {
- $;
- };
- swst.on_join_game_ok = function() {
- $;
- $home.removeClass("current");
- $game.addClass("current");
- $all.hide();
- };
- swst.on_change_state = function(state) {
- $all.hide();
- switch (state) {
- case 'waiting_judge':
- $;
- $white_cards.attr('disabled', true);
- $white_cards.addClass('read-only');
- break;
- case 'waiting_designation':
- if (swst.is_judge()) {
- $;
- $played_cards.removeAttr('disabled');
- $played_cards.removeClass('read-only');
- } else {
- $;
- $white_cards.attr('disabled', true);
- $white_cards.addClass('read-only');
- }
- break;
- case 'waiting_collection':
- if (swst.is_judge()) {
- $;
- $white_cards.attr('disabled', true);
- $white_cards.addClass('read-only');
- } else {
- $;
- $white_cards.removeAttr('disabled');
- $white_cards.removeClass('read-only');
- }
- break;
- default:
- console.log('unhandled state');
- break;
- }
- };
- swst.on_show_white_card = function(idx, desc) {
- var identifier = 'white-card-' + idx;
- var content = '<button name="' + idx + '" class="read-only card" id="' + identifier + '">' + desc + '</button>';
- $white_cards.append(content);
- var self = this;
- $('#' + identifier).click(function () {
- var $this = $(this);
- if (!$white_cards.attr('disabled')) {
- if ($this.hasClass("active")) {
- swst.get_white_card_event($this.prop('name'))();
- } else {
- $white_cards.find("> .card").removeClass("active");
- $this.addClass("active");
- }
- }
- });
- };
- swst.on_show_played_card = function(idx, desc) {
- var identifier = 'played-card-' + idx;
- var content = '<button name="' + idx + '" class="read-only card" id="' + identifier + '">' + desc + '</button>';
- $played_cards.append(content);
- var self = this;
- $('#' + identifier).click(function () {
- var $this = $(this);
- if (!$played_cards.attr('disabled')) {
- if ($this.hasClass("active")) {
- swst.get_played_card_event($this.prop('name'))();
- } else {
- $played_cards.find("> .card").removeClass("active");
- $this.addClass("active");
- }
- }
- });
- };
- swst.on_show_black_card = function(desc) {
- $('#black-card').html(desc);
- };
- swst.on_play_white_card_ok = function(idx) {
- $white_cards.attr('disabled', true);
- $white_cards.addClass('read-only');
- $;
- $('#white-card-' + idx).remove();
- };
- swst.on_updated_score = function(score) {
- $score_value.text(score);
- };
- swst.on_change_nbr_played_cards = function(nbr) {
- $played_card_number.text(nbr);
- };
- swst.on_collect_cards_ok = function() {
- $white_cards.hide();
- $;
- };
- swst.on_designate_card_ok = function(idx) {
- $played_cards.empty();
- $played_cards.hide();
- $;
- };