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authorOlivier Gayot <>2015-01-18 01:09:10 +0100
committerOlivier Gayot <>2015-01-18 01:09:10 +0100
commit0935580445afb5dca80b17a4237168c24748d759 (patch)
parent95dc736f1b2babcb18215ada77cbe0dd988c6e26 (diff)
added content about S/MIME
Signed-off-by: Olivier Gayot <>
2 files changed, 113 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/practicals.adoc b/practicals.adoc
index 84b7bac..4384192 100644
--- a/practicals.adoc
+++ b/practicals.adoc
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ include::dns.adoci[]
diff --git a/smime.adoci b/smime.adoci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ecf8e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/smime.adoci
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+== S/MIME Practical, Week 11 ==
+As for PGP, the purpose of this practical is to show us how to use S/MIME to
+encrypt, decrypt and digitally sign our emails.
+At the end of this practical, we should be able to send and receive emails with
+assurance of the identity of the senders. We will also be able not to worry
+whether someone else was able to read their content.
+=== Problem 1: Configuring S/MIME with mutt ===
+Though the support of S/MIME is present in 'mutt', it appears that it is very
+cumbersome to use. 'mutt' is expecting 'pkcs12' files (that we can produce with
+'openssl pkcs12'). Nevertheless, for some reason, it complains about our
+'pkcs12' files being not completely bagged.
+There is very few information about this issue on the web and most of the
+results are quite irrelevant.
+==== Resolution ====
+We will not use the builtin support of 'S/MIME' in 'mutt'. Instead, the manual
+pages 'openssl (1)' and 'smime (1)' describe us how to generate our emails
+using 'openssl smime'.
+The following command will create our email and encrypt it using's public key.
+ $ openssl smime -encrypt -out mail.p7m -from -to -subject "Encrypted message" -des3 certif.crt
+ This content is encrypted, can you read it?
+We can check that our email file is encrypted:
+ $ cat mail.p7m
+ > To:
+ > From:
+ > Subject: Encrypted message
+ > MIME-Version: 1.0
+ > Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="smime.p7m"
+ > Content-Type: application/x-pkcs7-mime; smime-type=enveloped-data; name="smime.p7m"
+ > Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
+ >
+ > aXZpZXIgR2F5b3QxKDAmBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWGW9saXZpZXIuZ2F5b3RAc2lnZXhl
+ > Yy5jb20CCQD94c8uK91F/zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASBgLOKi60Rw/B0ZJDk78/x
+ > T0lmSSYhzaIfRJp5SMiH0zFodQFYVW7qBXFI1mXveD0e2k+jLl3phlQb/MXz47AH
+ > 6pj4OeE4Q0N+0NHmmoFKbN5s8xwH/0hBaLkEAes+ZCG1YjaEoIkPcc5VrGIMceJm
+ > p0WUvGeAMMTU8q/foeWR6W+w9Wu0jBxHnEOEkjbTqDHasMbL6e0j1sGtKVY3eqtG
+ > uRoDPyq44Q==
+Using 'mutt', we can now send this email. We will then use 'openssl smime'
+again on our recipient's machine to decrypt it using his private key.
+ $ openssl smime -inkey private.key -decrypt -in mail.p7m
+ > This content is encrypted, can you read it?
+=== Problem 2: Combining encryption and signature ===
+What we want now is to encrypt the content of our message and sign it so that
+the receiver can read the email and be sure as well that it comes from us.
+==== Resolution ====
+We will start by encrypting our message the same way we did before. But then,
+we will use 'openssl' again to sign it before actually sending it. For this
+purpose, we could also use 'mutt'. However, we will use 'openssl smime' in this
+Still having 'mail.p7m' be our encrypted message, the following command will
+digitally sign it using the sender's private key:
+ $ openssl smime -sign -inkey private.key -signer certif.pem -in mail.p7m -out signed_mail.p7m
+On the receiver's machine, we can now authenticate the sender using its public
+certificate as a Certificate Authority:
+ $ openssl smime -CAfile certif.pem -verify -in mail.p7m
+ > To:
+ > From:
+ > Subject: Encrypted message
+ > MIME-Version: 1.0
+ > Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="smime.p7m"
+ > Content-Type: application/x-pkcs7-mime; smime-type=enveloped-data; name="smime.p7m"
+ > Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
+ >
+ > aXZpZXIgR2F5b3QxKDAmBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWGW9saXZpZXIuZ2F5b3RAc2lnZXhl
+ > Yy5jb20CCQD94c8uK91F/zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASBgHRgbsuN8NugJAzynX+9
+ > tC300W0aqATHMsqXEzFJS4yA3PQDmgPpAL86iH/C5vAk9XQ1Fmnv0soIYaBTwqSH
+ > BraNZNKA90KvZPOAymGMVttCC7giWuBxzNOiruaPTnj9md0n9ps7/issftcj7VH6
+ > DZ1ic+9pjn8bgThqFoxmsGkMMFMGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAUBggqhkiG9w0DBwQIHxER
+ > UbQa6bqAMEOXZgXTurgcRt74OMS4xeSf1j2Z5abj1PSWBg60ldsbyhVuR2+8wllN
+ > wNi5FtbKFg==
+ >
+ > Verification successful
+By reusing the same command as before to decrypt the file using 'openssl
+smime', we can extract its content:
+ > This content is encrypted, can you read it?
+Using this technique, we can be certain that the message comes from the people
+we think and that no one was able to read the content unless they have our
+private key.