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authorMikel Ward <>2020-06-15 00:07:27 -0700
committerGitHub <>2020-06-15 09:07:27 +0200
commit09358d26982431702c3652e8f07ebff7166a1181 (patch)
parent4bd07355abb1ad6b5463db7e7c763ea0075ebbc8 (diff)
Use the PulseAudio port name rather than the sink name (#419)
This generates much friendlier names on all my systems, e.g. "HDMI / DisplayPort 5" rather than "Ellesmere HDMI Audio [Radeon RX 470/480 / 570/580/590] Digital Stereo (HDMI 5)"
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/pulse.c b/src/pulse.c
index b733f98..fff4814 100644
--- a/src/pulse.c
+++ b/src/pulse.c
@@ -122,13 +122,14 @@ static void store_info_from_sink_cb(pa_context *c,
int avg_vol = pa_cvolume_avg(&info->volume);
int vol_perc = roundf((float)avg_vol * 100 / PA_VOLUME_NORM);
int composed_volume = COMPOSE_VOLUME_MUTE(vol_perc, info->mute);
+ const char *desc = (info->active_port != NULL) ? info->active_port->description : info->description;
/* if this is the default sink we must try to save it twice: once with
* DEFAULT_SINK_INDEX as the index, and another with its proper value
* (using bitwise OR to avoid early-out logic) */
if ((info->index == default_sink_idx &&
- save_info(DEFAULT_SINK_INDEX, composed_volume, info->description, NULL)) |
- save_info(info->index, composed_volume, info->description, info->name)) {
+ save_info(DEFAULT_SINK_INDEX, composed_volume, desc, NULL)) |
+ save_info(info->index, composed_volume, desc, info->name)) {
/* if the volume, mute flag or description changed, wake the main thread */
pthread_kill(main_thread, SIGUSR1);