diff options
authorOlivier Gayot <>2018-07-11 20:40:26 +0200
committerOlivier Gayot <>2018-07-11 20:55:23 +0200
commit54051fcf8a3d7ad835e9423853a93228b9ed2828 (patch)
parentefe2306a532115f8f4a5b10b49728869080ab262 (diff)
Added first draft of my_list
Signed-off-by: Olivier Gayot <>
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/my_list.mli b/my_list.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b21aa5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/my_list.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+type 'a my_list =
+ | Item of ('a * 'a my_list)
+ | None
+(** Return the length (number of elements) of a given list. *)
+let rec length = function
+ | Item (_, tail) -> 1 + (length (tail))
+ | None -> 0
+(** Return the first element of the given list.
+ * Raise [Failure "hd"] if the list is empty.
+ *)
+let hd = function
+ | Item (h, _) -> h
+ | None -> raise (Failure "hd")
+(** Return the given list without its first element.
+ * Raise [Failure "tl"] if the list is empty.
+ *)
+let tl = function
+ | Item (_, t) -> t
+ | None -> raise (Failure "Called tail on empty list")
+(** Return the n-th element of the given list.
+ * Raise [Failure "hd"] or [Failure "tl"] if the list is too short.
+ * Raise [Invalid_argument "my_list.nth"] if n is negative.
+ *)
+let rec nth my_list n =
+ match n with
+ | _ when n < 0 -> raise (Invalid_argument "my_list.nth")
+ | 0 -> (hd my_list)
+ | _ -> (nth (tl my_list) (n - 1))
+(** Return the given list in the reverse order. *)
+let rev my_list =
+ let rec aux my_list agg =
+ match my_list with
+ | Item(hd, tl) -> aux tl (Item(hd, agg))
+ | None -> agg
+ in aux my_list None
+(** Return a list containing the result of f(x) for each element x in the given
+ * list. *)
+let rec map f my_list =
+ match my_list with
+ | Item(hd, tl) -> Item(f hd, map f tl)
+ | None -> None
+(** Return a list containing only the elements x in the given list for which
+ * f(x) returns true.
+ *)
+let rec filter f my_list =
+ match my_list with
+ | None -> None
+ | Item(hd, tl) -> (
+ match f hd with
+ | true -> Item(hd, filter f tl)
+ | _ -> filter f tl
+ )
+(** Return a list which results in the concatenation of l1 and l2. *)
+let rec append l1 l2 =
+ match l1 with
+ | Item(hd, tl) -> Item(hd, (append tl l2))
+ | None -> l2